Friday, 24 April 2009

rehearsals mate

just over two weeks since a post this time. I'm doing well. And i still can't decide on a font.

We have maybe four new songs we're working on that moment and they're all sounding pretty fantastic. watch out for Matters - it's going to sound amazing.

In other news...I saw The Big Pink at the ICA last night. I think they were good - my friend has just started doing vocals for them and when i know someone in a band I generally lose all objectivity.

...Anvil is amazing. I went to a late night screening at the rio the other day. It's a truly beautiful film.

That's it - we're reharsing all weekend so will probably miss out on the best of the sunshine but it'll be worth it.


Tuesday, 7 April 2009

May 21st

Almost two weeks without a post - I assume this to be a long time in the blogosphere (blogasphere?).

So updates:

We're now on twitter. A website I'm still in the process of loathing, though I'm sure I'll come round. Follow us to receive up 160 characters worth of eloquential literary joy.

As mentioned in a previous post we're not playing live for a bit as we continue to work on new songs...but when we do come back we're playing with the brilliant
Hjaltalin at the Borderline on the 21st of May. Tickets are £9 on the door - but only £5 on our cheap list.

And in other news:

I caught up with Haunted Stereo the other day at their show in Kilburn. They are actually my favourite band in the world at the moment and their new stuff is sounding brilliant - dark and sexy but still vibrant and organic. They're playing in Putney at the Half-moon tomorrow. Also playing tomorrow are our good friends Portasound at the Victoria which I think I'll be venturing to. Oh - and of course the brilliant The Good Gods are playing Cargo tonight for Attitude Is Everything which I'll also be going to

Finally - I've been watching a lot of this show recently. Now I don't have a television so I don't know basically anything about whats on these days, but I think its safe to assume that this is probably the best thing on it.
